Hypnosis Training

Become Certified in Hypnosis

Dual Certification Program through the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) and The Coyote Institute for Transformation and Change. 

Professional Hypnosis training is increasingly in demand. Those in health professions are finding the benefits of cross-training in complementary modalities.

Hypnosis, especially as practiced by the late Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D., and by those who followed in his footsteps, is a gentle and effective tool for changing behavioral programming on a deep level. A master of anecdotes and teaching tales, Erickson assisted clients and professionals with his artistry. His uncanny ability to heal with words drew international attention and acclaim.

In this intensive training, balancing lecture (20%), demonstration (30%) and hands-on drills (50%), you will learn the fundamentals of an Ericksonian approach to trance, and how to utilize it as a valuable adjunct to your existing skills. This training has been designed primarily for health care professionals, but is open to the public.

Topics Covered

Recognizing physiological signs of trance state

Presuppositions of Erickonian hypnosis and NLP

Establishing and building rapport

Overt and covert, verbal and non-verbal inductions

Smoking cessation, weight loss and stress management

Indirect suggestion

Neurolinguistic Programming

Representational systems


Pacing and leading drills

Therapeutic metaphors and teaching tales

Imagery to boost the immune system

How to determine what type of induction(s) to use

Developing a treatment plan

How to best utilize your client's unconscious resources

How to work with "resistant" clients

How to develop client-specific imagery for visualizations

100 Hour Training Program

Trainings are held 3 times a year in several formats:

1) Four weekends (Sat & Sun), 9-6

2) Three three-day weekends (Friday, Saturday & Sunday), 10-6

3) One day a week for eight weeks

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